Manufacturers Association of Central Florida’s primary objectives focus on networking and education, sale opportunities and lobbying. Companies here in Florida are able to work together, sharing solutions to common problems, as well as developing joint-venture business efforts. Manufacturers find new suppliers or new markets for their products locally instead of using suppliers internationally. Manufacturers Association of Central Florida (MACF) is also a resource for smaller companies to learn how to comply with a never-ending stream of mandates, from wage and hourly benefits to OSHA rules and regulations. The organization’s officials develop firm positions on industry issues that manufacturers face on a local, state and national level and lobby for them on their behalf. These initial objectives formed the basis of the organization’s drive and commitment to local manufacturers, the same commitment that drives the organization today.
What We Do

Our History
For over 28 years, the Manufacturers Association of Central Florida (MACF) has worked as a not-for-profit organization to elevate the image of local manufacturing through plant tours/shop talks, workforce development, educational training and workshops, grant opportunities, supply chain assistance, and working with local and state legislators on issues facing Central Florida’s manufacturers. Our ties to local educational institutions allows us to encourage students educated in the area to remain in our community and join with local manufacturers to strengthen and enhance our economy.
As of 2016, Manufacturers Association of Central Florida (MACF) is now co-located inside the FloridaMakes office. Created by and for manufacturers, FloridaMakes is a service designed to strengthen Florida’s manufacturing companies by addressing the unique needs facing today’s manufacturing firms
Meet our Board of Directors
Meet the dedicated and pioneering men and women who work hard to secure the future of Florida’s manufacturers today and tomorrow.
Manufacturers Association of Central Florida Staff