• 201 E. Pine Street, Suite 735, Orlando, FL 32801
  • 407.897.3384

Dale Carnegie Course: August 12 – 14, 2024

Monday, Aug 12, 2024 – Wednesday, Aug 14, 2024

8:00am – 5:00pm

Whether you are starting our in your career or have reached a point where you could use a reboot, the methodology of the Dale Carnegie Course® can provide you with the mindset and the skillset to achieve better and different results. Expand both your personal and professional capabilities and capacity with intentionality.

The Dale Carnegie Course can help you earn credits toward your professional project management, human resources, and CPE certifications.

Discover how to better respond to today’s challenges and create a ripple effect throughout your organization with the Dale Carnegie Course. Change your approach to tap into trust and build inclusion. Form closer, more rewarding relationships built on trust and respect. Gain ways to project an upbeat and contagious attitude, discover ways to manage stress and minimize worry, encourage positive thinking, and commit to continuous improvement.

Expect Certified Trainers: 
The trainers are highly vetted and undergo an intense training that is ISO9002 certified to achieve consistent results globally. While part of a global organization, they are connected to your local culture, customs and language. The participants in this course are made up of both formal and informal leaders. Psychological safety is emphasized to create a safe place to try out new skills and ideas.

Expect Personal and Professional Breakthroughs:
Each time a new skill is introduced in the course, it is practiced the ‘right’ way and coached in the moment before moving it out into your life and work. Once a skill has been tested with team members and others, the group holds itself accountable by reporting back on what did or did not work. This social learning approach makes it possible for everyone to learn from each other’s efforts.  By experiencing a series of successful attempts with positive reinforcement, habits are changed, and new skills are ingrained.

MACF members get 5% off!

For more information email [email protected]

Event Location

Dale Carnegie
Orlando, Florida

Event Fees

Plant Tour

Total Seats


Remaining Seats
