2020 Return to Work & Recovery Guide
In an effort to provide extended support of Small & Mid-Sized Firms, FloridaMakes has developed this as a guide to return to work & recovery as you maintain, resume all or restart operations. FloridaMakes plan is based upon the COVID-19 Best Practices, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), The Florida Department of Health and other Governmental Regulations & Guidelines as described in this document.
This plan is available to any and all that seek direction on employees returning to work (RWT) and the resumption of 100% operations. In addition, FloridaMakes Business Advisors will be made available to answer any questions remotely within their areas of expertise. Other key resources will be made available to support individual corporations with with the
development of a customized plan.
For questions regarding this document, please contact us at 407.405.7206 or [email protected].